Love,Hate,&Body Weight

I don’t know a single girl that loves absolutely everything about their body. If fact I’ll even go out on a limb and say there’s NOT a single girl on this earth that wouldn’t change at least one thing about themselves. Why do we want to change our bodies? Is the grass really greener on the other side??

“love your body”

We hear it all the time… And we see it just as much. It always seems to be the girls who look like Victoria’s Secret models who are advertising it. Uh what?? Well crap if I had your body I’d for sure love it. Wrong. We will ALWAYS want what we don’t have. Whether it’s weight, boys, or fashion accessories. We will never be satisfied.

WHY??? why can’t we be happy. I always ask myself this. Most of you know what I look like, I’m underweight. I HATE when people say “I wish I was your size” in fact once I tweeted something about how I wanted curves and I got a message saying I should love what I have bc others would kill for my body. It was actually kind of rude the way it was said and honestly it pissed me off…So others can complain about their bodies but since people want what I have I should be thankful?? I CANT EVEN FIND CLOTHES TO FIT ME 95% of the time. Do you know how annoying and discouraging that is?? Do you know how bad it hurts to hear people say rude comments about you being disgustingly small?? Especially when you can’t help it.

I get ridiculed all the time for being “too small” I’ll never forget when someone quoted one of my ootd picks saying “brb going to feed the hungry”…. That one made me cry. And I play that comment in my head almost every time I see myself in the mirror. I don’t have an eating disorder and I’ve never struggled with being over weight but I have always been underweight. And some say oh it’s not that bad hearing you’re too small…but it is. Skinny shaming is just as bad as fat shaming.

WHY IS THERE ANY BODY SHAMING?? If you’re happy with your weight why should others even talk about it?? We are all expected to look like models…you know, tiny waste, big boobs, hips and a perfect butt, and let’s not forget the face…lips eyes hair. But in reality no one actually looks like that. Sure if we all had millions like most of these stars we look up to do we could all be “perfect.” Even if these stars haven’t went under the knife you RARELY see a picture of someone famous that hasn’t been edited in some way or another.


“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

Seriously. This is something we need to remember as women. You may be the most beautiful girl in the world to one person, but not so perfect to another. That by no means means you’re ugly but that you’re just not their type. Yet we go straight to thinking “I’m ugly” there’s no such thing as perfect. What’s perfect to one person is not going to be what the next person finds perfect. One person may love tiny girls. The next may think curves are the most gorgeous thing in the world. We should remember this. Stop comparing our looks and bodies to those around us.

We are so harsh and hard on ourselves. We truly are our own worst critics. That’s so sad to me. Beauty is supposed to be on the inside cliche I know but looks fade. Some gain weight and some lose, when you’re 50 you won’t look anything like you did at 20. Yes I absolutely believe you should take care of yourself. Be healthy. But don’t starve to be a size zero. don’t try to get a thigh gap…. This is harmful to your body. The size on your jeans shouldn’t matter. What should matter is that you’re healthy and happy and doing this in a natural way. What you CAN change is your attitude. How you treat others and how you see yourself. You can be kind and positive and happy. THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE. No matter how old you are. Sure situations can put you in a funk but your true beauty is on the inside. Not everyone is meant to be curvy, not everyone is meant to have a thigh gap. The grass isn’t greener on the other side. Because no matter what we had or have I know that we will still find something to hate about ourselves. What I want to leave you with today is, though you may not be perfect

“How I feel about myself is more important than how I look. Feeling confident… Being comfortable in your own skin THAT is what makes you beautiful”


8 thoughts on “Love,Hate,&Body Weight

  1. Thank you so much for taking this stand! I’ve constantly been underweight my entire life too. I’ve had the same comments said to me that you’ve heard. After a football game last year, one of the girls in a different sorority, who was an average size, called me a holocaust victim to my face. That’s the closest I’ve ever been to being in a physical fight. I was so angry. I graduated in May and since then I’ve been working out and eating healthier; thus putting on weight. I now weight 116 and am no longer considered underweight. I posed a picture of myself (just from the shoulders up) congratulating myself on my accomplishment. I got so much shit for being happy about gaining weight. This is the best I’ve ever felt about my body. I can actually find clothes (mainly pants) that actually kinda fit. The struggle is still real though. My body type, very similar to my mothers at my age, hasn’t changed enough for some people. Like you said, it hurts the skinny girls just as much as the curvy ones to hear someone talk about their weight. Again, I’m SO happy you’re sharing this with people.

    • I’m so glad that you’re happy with your body now. It’s so good to hear. I’m working on gaining weight as well. So it’s so nice to see that it can be done with hard work. Keep up the good work Hun!!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this, you have no idea how much I needed to hear it. I’ve been called everything from overweight to bulimic. I don’t feel like I’ve ever truly been happy with my body. Maybe that’s because I worry too much about what others think. As women, we should lift each others up, no matter what we look like, not tear each other down.

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